Mixed Media is happy to announce the release of Montreal-based artist, Raymond Biesinger’s newest city print: the City of Hamilton on 30 October 1958.
We’ll let Raymond describe it:
“This is a two-colour silkscreened print, grey and black on a white 24″ square sheet. What is it of? Hamilton on 30 Oct. 1958, the day the Burlington Bay Skyway opened to the public, and it’s one of a series of prints made since April of 2012 showing my recently-ish adopted home city of Montreal and its regional neighbours (Quebec, Ottawa, Hamilton and Toronto). Silkscreened in an edition of 207 in July 2013 by Séripop, signed and numbered on back.”
Local buildings and landmarks featured in the print include: the Royal Botanical Gardens, High Level Bridge, Burlington forests, the East Plains Church, the West Plains Church, the Burlington Bay Skyway and Beach Boulevard, the Rheem building, the HHC Marine Dock Building, North End homes, Cataract Power Co., Dofasco, Stelco Hilton Works, the old Studebaker Factory, Pump House, Imperial Cotton Co. building, the Firestone factory, Ivor Wynne Stadium, Custom House, row houses on John St. North, the old CN Station, Christ’s Church Cathedral, the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Armoury, old City Hall, old farmers’ market immediately west of old City Hall, Lister Block, Balfour Block, the Pigott Building, the Sun Life Building, the Landed Banking & Loan Co. building, the Bank of Montreal on James South, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, James Street Baptist Church, the Medical Arts Building, the Hamilton Library, Dundurn Castle, the Dundurn Park cockpit, the Dundurn Park gate, Hamilton Cemetary, Christ’s the King Cathedral, McMaster University Hall, McMaster Edwards Hall, the Staircase, Hess Village, the Tuckett Mansion, Centenary United Church, Gore Park, 60 King Street East, the Dominion Public Building, Treble Hall, the Tivoli Theatre, the Century Theatre, 169 King East, the Royal Connaught Hotel, Ballinahinch, Whitehern, Sandyford Place, 229 Hess St. South, 91 Chedoke Avenue, Auchmar, Central School, the TH&B Railway station on Hunter Street, etc.
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As many already know – we are big fans of Hamilton and the history and culture that exists here. It was very rewarding working with Raymond to bring this view of Hamilton to life. We are big fans of his graphic work and we feel his city-series style fits in with the gritty and elegant esthetic of the city. We think this art piece will be well received here and look forward to seeing it on the walls of local homes.
The print is now available locally to purchase for $55 (which comes with a copy of Rayond Biesinger’s recently released book of illustrations, B+W) or in a frame for $135.
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Raymond Biesinger is a self-taught illustrator based in Montreal. He likes concepts, making
music, progressive politics and a curious mix of minimalism and maximalism. He deploys physical things, electronic means, and a BA in European and North American political history to make his images, and has done so since the year 2000 in over 1200 projects on four continents. His images have appeared in the Financial Times, Spin Magazine, the New York Times, Monocle, the New Yorker, Dwell, Walrus, the Globe & Mail and others. See his work at: